Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 & The Silence of 2011

Hey All,

  I've been kind of quiet lately (you might have seen the occasional Tweet, but other than that, this blog has been a bit silent).
  I apologize to you, the readers, for this lack of postings. This past Fall, I switched jobs and I've been spending the past three months adjusting to my new job, so this blog has become a bit of a low priority.
  Recently, I realized that, when it comes to my new job, I have pretty much hit my stride and have got a good pace going on there.
  Which means, that now I can focus again on this blog and the lessons contained here.
  So, over the next few weeks, I'm going to start to organize thoughts and ideas for hacking lessons and I will lay out a schedule. This way, I've got goals to achieve and you can know ahead of time what's coming down the pipe.
   I can tell you that I purchased the new Metasploit book a few months back and am REALLY impressed by it. I'm hoping that I'll be able to present to you a few lessons based on Metasploit and I've got a plethora of information regarding Wireshark that should come in handy for a lesson or three.
   If any of you readers (and I see from the recent comments on some of these entries that there really are a few of you, not just spam comments [w00t!] ) have some suggestions for a topic, I'll also entertain a write up on that, as well.

   Anyway, I hope all of you are enjoying your New Year and I'll see you over the next few weeks!
